James Anthony Allen is an evangelist and aspiring
author who has written several screenplays, novels,
and other inspirational uplifting publications. He
is a multimedia professional and the founder of
eBlessings, a non-profit organization which helps
African orphans by encouraging economic
self-sufficiency and which works with Americans
recovering from addiction and other life issues.

James Anthony Allen is a divinely delivered former
crackhead who is a new person in Christ Jesus. He
lives a miraculous life. He has four children. He
was born and raised in North Carolina and now
resides in Georgia. As the founder of eBlessings,
an Internet ministry and international network, he
serves over 32 ministries and countries around the
world. eBlessings lends a helping hand to
ministries, orphans, and people in need. Well over 1,000 children
have participated in the eBlessings.us
Pen Pals
Program. eBlessings produces inspirational books and
booklets, including the immensely popular
International Daily Devotional, which is
produced through the efforts of numerous ministers
and lay people from around the world.
Anthony's family endured the throngs of his abusive
lifestyle. His then wife, Elizabeth stayed by his side
and she waited, prayed, and believed her husband
would be delivered. The Lord is faithful and He
answered her prayers. Anthony, his wife, and their
two girls, Francesca and Olivia now await the DeKalb
County Court to determine if this family should be
broken up through divorce or kept together.
As of 22 December 2009, this family which endured so
much and raised eBlessings up is separating. Please
be in prayer for God's Will to be done. Thank you.
Anthony was a member of the United States Army,
Europe. Anthony will address any of
your individual or group ministerial or spiritual
needs upon request.
Please email Anthony at:
eblessings@gmail.com or
For the folks in the skyscrapers, homies in the
housing projects, teenagers in the suburbs,
individuals seeking approval in all of the wrong
For those people who feel they are no longer any
good to society and have no hope of recovery-- Buy
this book for someone who needs victory over poor
choices, bad decisions, and destructive behaviors.
A Christ-centered book.
A true Inspirational Story with Revelation by the
Holy Spirit.
ISBN: 1-4196-4887-X
Preview the Book
Thank you for your continued patronage of
eBlessings' products and services. You Make a
Difference with eBlessings!

iJac?: is JESUS a crackhead? is a testimonial book
about a divine, supernatural intervention of our
Lord and Savior Christ Jesus in the life of a person
who was addicted to the street drug "crack cocaine."
The author was delivered from being a "crackhead" by
Jesus Christ so he could be free. You may know
someone who may need to read this book.
This is an inside look at how an addicted person
overcame adversity through divine intervention and
how to continue in sobriety as one productively
plugs back into society. What is your drug of
choice: shoes, clothes, sugar, candy, beer,
relationships, over-the-counter or under-the-counter
drugs, sex, or work? A personal life-changing story
about one man’s life impacted by poor decisions
leading to spiritually challenging consequences.
iJac? is an inspirational, motivational look at the
divine, supernatural deliverance of a crackhead ( a
person addicted to crack cocaine)! You, too, can be
delivered from your drug of choice. iJac? also
contains heavenly revelation which followed his
supernatural miracle. Lives have been changed; lives
have turned around because of what the LORD has
ordained for this anointed, blessed book! A highly
recommended investment of your time!
"Anthony, you must be out of your mind!"
"I couldn't put it down until I finished it"
"I gave it to a friend. It took him weeks to finally
read it, but his life turned around."
"This is a great testimonial."
"This is a great testament to what the Lord can and
will do."
The Holy Spirit let me know that
the sons and
daughters of perdition will be
the ones who complain the most about this book
which has set so many of God's people free.
They do not hear His Voice nor do they acknowledge His Miracle.
Be the First in Your Group, at Your
to Own a Copy of this Wonderful Book!
This book will
have you awestruck. It is simply amazing.
ISBN: 1-4196-4887-X
eBlessings supports orphans and street children
globally and struggling people locally. Please
support us with your donations!
We accept all major credit and debit cards; checks
and money orders can be sent to the above address.
Donations are welcomed!
Each One! Bless One!

You Make a Difference!
eBlessings is a 501C-3 non-profit, community-based
ministry with international ties to Christians from
five continents and over fifty nations.